The TALKING OBJECTS LAB is also about making objects talk and listening to them––following the quote from the Senegalese writer Ismael Dio “Ecoute plus souvent les choses que les êtres!” (Listen more often to things than to people).
A text by Fogha Mc Cornilius Refem
I have to work on this text from the back. I usually start a text by figuring out what I want to call it and then I start writing so that I do not worry about it. The text has a title already on my phone, well there are two texts and they are slightly related. Too much has happened and I am…
14th December, 18.00 h @Vierte Welt, Kottbusser Tor, Berin. For the LA PALABRE series, from July-December 2023, we invite Berlin-based researchers*, artists*, and activists to discuss the issues we have been working on over the past two years as part of TALKING OBJECTS, an artistic research project…